Stanford Report Ads
Welcome to the Stanford Report advertising request system, which allows campus units to promote their campus-related programs and activities. This self-serve system allows users to see advertising availability for each publication date, reserve ad space, and then upload assets and PTA numbers for payment.
Who can buy a display advertisement?
Advertising is restricted to Stanford University schools, departments, and related programs. We can’t accept advertisements from outside the university. Display ads are generally run on a first-come, first-served basis. While we will do our best to accommodate your placement preferences, University Communications reserves the right to determine each ad’s final placement.
Units are limited to purchasing six ads per edition per month.
First-time users will need to submit a help ticket to request an ad account.
How much does it cost?
Each ad costs $95. Payments must be made by providing your departmental PTA. We cannot issue a refund for a canceled ad reservation once it has been processed.
How to submit your ad:
The assets for your ad must be received by 12 p.m. at least two working days prior to the publication date. Late submissions and ads not including all required assets will not be guaranteed to run and no refund will be issued.
Ads should include a 200 x 200 pixel image without text, a headline, body text, and a URL. Complete ad specifications, including character limits, are available here (login required).
Stanford Report reserves the right to make minor edits to headlines and text for clarity and to align capitalization and punctuation with our standards. Due to deadline constraints, these edits will not be communicated with advertisers in advance.
When you are ready to make an ad reservation:
- Login using the link on the left side of this page.
- Dates with available ad slots will be displayed. Select your preferred date, confirm your PTA, and enter a headline (this can be edited later).
- You can upload your ad image and copy at the time of your reservation, or return later to edit it.
- Click “View your ad requests” on the left side of the screen to review future ad requests and their status. Please note that even if you have uploaded content, the status will not say “Approved” until it is reviewed by the Stanford Report team.
How often does Stanford Report come out and who receives it?
There are three editions of Stanford Report:
- A daily version sent each weekday to all faculty, staff, postdocs, and faculty emeriti. The total circulation is approximately 30,000 subscribers.
- A daily version sent each weekday to external subscribers who sign up to receive Stanford Report. Subscribers include alumni, family, former employees, campus neighbors, and more. Editorial content is similar to what runs in the faculty/staff edition, with the omission of campus-specific communications. The total circulation is approximately 16,000 subscribers.
- A twice-weekly edition sent to all students during the academic year. We do not accept advertisements in the student Stanford Report.
Is there a way to measure the results of the ad?
Yes. Upon request, we can tell advertisers how many people open each issue of Stanford Report and also how many people click on each ad.
For assistance:
For assistance with ads or to request an advertiser account, please submit a help ticket.